5 Tips for Buying a Home Safe - Tips on buying a home safe can be determined as a prospective buyer of our home and from the home is sold. Before buying a house need to be sure of the financial condition and our need as house prices are relatively expensive when compared with the price of other needs. Then the house we wanted criteria should be tailored to our financial ability to buy the house.
How to Buy a Home
There are two (2) methods in buying a home to buying a home in cash or cash and buy a home using the services of a mortgage from the bank. If we buy houses for cash, then we can directly deal with the landlord or use the services of a notary for the transaction process until the process of transferring the ownership of the name of the house. And if we use the services of the mortgage, then the transaction will be carried out by the bank and the process behind the name will also be undertaken by the bank through a notary who has been appointed by the bank where we use the services of the mortgage. When we bought the house in cash or in mortgages (mortgage) is necessary to note the following points.
Tips on Buying a Home Safe
In buying a home that is safe for us can be seen some home buying tips below.
1. Financial Capability In Buying A Home
In buying a home either in cash or in mortgages we need to look at our financial capabilities. This is because home prices are relatively much higher than the price of other basic needs. In addition, when we bought the house also needed home care costs, both in buying a new home or old home is still required initial operating expenses before occupying the premises. For example, if we buy a new home so we need to equip the house with home furnishings fit our needs, as well as when we bought the house a long time then we need to exercise care of old houses in order in accordance with our wishes.
2. Criteria House That Would We Buy
Criteria house we buy should we adjust our financial condition. Our financial condition meant here when we bought the house with the location away from the workplace and other public facilities, it is necessary to further consider transportation costs resulting from the choice of location of the house.
Then the size or area of the house is also the consequences to us in care of the house, where the larger the size of our house, the house operations and maintenance costs will be higher.
3. Buying a Home With Mortgage
In buying a home using a mortgage takes home from the electoral process until the transaction or credit agreement. Before buying a home with a mortgage of bank services we need to know the process of buying homes with mortgages.
In the mortgage application process, we will be examined in terms of our financial capabilities ranging from total earnings us and how we manage our finances. The bank will analyze before approving the mortgage, which we proposed.
Please note our financial management processes to save money and regularly so that during the review of our financial capabilities by banks acceptable.
4. Buying a House Without a Mortgage
If we buy houses for cash, no mortgage then it should be done in front of a notary transaction processing and process behind the name of home ownership is done by a notary. It is important therefore to avoid things that are not desirable, we also need to choose the notary who can be trusted with a good reputation.
5. Other Dependents In Buying A Home
This aspect only applies when we buy houses using mortgage services, because when using the services of mortgage then we will get additional dependents regular routine form of mortgage installments billed every month. Therefore, it should be noted other dependents who take a lot of costs in addition to regular installments mortgages.
For additional references can read articles Tips Buy Houses In Jakarta earlier. Hopefully the information in the article 5 Tips for Buying a Home Safe can give an idea and knowledge to us in buying a home in accordance with our capabilities and secure in the process of ownership.
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