we throw open the shutters each morning & my son likes to see if, and how many, cruise ships have arrived for the day....they drop anchor out at sea and their passengers disembark via tenders....
some taking the train to Monaco, some to Nice & some to the beach....
and in the evening, they head off into the sunset & a new destination.
And in the evening, sometimes accompanied by fireworks, they head off into the sunset again for a night of feasting, dancing, any one of hundreds of activities on board, to be honest....
waking up the next morning in a new port.
The ships seem to get bigger & better every year and there is something very exciting about waking up in a new & exciting location every morning.
I used to wonder why you'd want to leave a place having only just arrived there....but actually now - and also having been on a Caribbean cruise myself - I can see there's something very appealing & exciting about discovering somewhere new each day....just seeing/doing/tasting enough to satisfy your senses or your curiosity....and then moving on, maybe dreaming of returning one day.
My children love the idea of spending a week aboard a gi-normous cruise ship and actually I'd happily do it again....I love the idea of cruising the fjords, sitting on deck wrapped up in a blanket, gazing glamorously out to sea....or sunning myself as we hop from one Mediterranean port to another.
Cruises are so much more affordable than they used to be, they're a great holiday option with so many different destinations to choose from....there is definitely something very romantic about travelling by ship.
There are now so many fantastic last minute cruise deals available....
a variety of destinations, definitely something for everyone.
Camper & Nicholson's luxury international marinas & berths for yachts and superyachts are situated in some of the beautiful locations in Europe & the Caribbean.
With exceptional levels of yacht care, facilities and customer service, they are renowned worldwide, their name is synonymous with quality and luxury.
If a cruise ship is too big, you could always charter your own boat :)
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